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 The Temple and Park of Vat Yan 

An excursion into the world of Buddhism.
Within the easy reach of Pattaya, there is a huge mountain which bears the biggest known image of the Sitting Buddha. The figure is covered with gold plates stuck into troughs which were hollowed out on the rocky surface. The height of this symbol is approximately 160 meters. The figure is found amidst a splendid park with pavilions for meditation. Several kilometers away from the mountain there is a monastery museum. Here one can enjoy the remarkable bronze casts that are abundant both inside and outside the museum. Inside the temple one can learn the history of Buddha’s lucid moments, reflected in numerous pictures on the walls. On the first floor, there is a beautiful exposition of antiquity that represents the way of living of ancient people. A long-lasting impression is produced by a life-size sculpture group of warriors founded in bronze. Several kilometers away from the museum, on a high mountain, there is a little known chapel with “the Buddha’s footprint” inside. To reach it, one must climb 300 stairs. With every step, a person gets rid of one of his negative traits in order to approach “the Footprint of the Perfect” being purified.

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