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 Show Alkazar 

In Pattaya you have a chance to attend Thailand’s best and world famous Alkazar Show of transvestites. The bright theatrical show is held in a nice big hall. The splendid musical and dance turns and mini-performances are followed with great interest, the parodies excite laughter. The artists sing rather well. Nobody can possibly remain indifferent to ultra-modern musical accompaniment, rich scenery, original low-necked costumes of satin and guipure, diamond pendent on exquisite breasts of the actresses, who are talented and good-looking (though men in the past). Thais treat transvestites as a national wonder and cannot mention Alkazar without extraordinary excitement. In Buddhism, to be admitted to the Heaven, a woman should turn into a man and, assuming the aspect of the man, be granted the felicity. A transvestite is born a man, then he turns into a woman, dies and … How can he turn into a man again?  Thais gasp at the display of blockheadedness and improvidence. The bright fairy-like wonder of Alkazar is sure to be one of the most pleasant moments of the tour.

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